Posted by Cormac O'Dwyer on 4/12/2015 to
Occult Weekly
The compelling combination of science and faith has lead humanity to answer many questions about our surroundings. There are, of course, questions which despite how hard we try, we are not meant to understand the answers – at least not yet. Then there are also the questions to which we should have a reasonable answer that most scholars can agree upon. Due to human error or different levels of interpretation, the mystery prevails. Today, we consider this sort of instance in the case of the lost island Atlantis. Did Atlantis exist? How can we know? Are we meant to know? Would the answer to this question change anything about the world today?
Atlantis was described as a large island situated in the Atlantic Ocean near Western Europe that came to its end well before the Common Era began. Certain historians both past and present refer to Atlantis as a continent due to its believed, immense size. Nevertheless, the full idea of Atlantis was first written by Plato in his works,Timaeus and Critias, written in 360 B.C., though Egyptian Priests had referenced this island prior. Plato described the island similar to how many of us perceive a modern civilization to be today. There was relative harmony amongst the people. Great advancements were made in mathematics, science, and the arts. The Army possessed many ships and a strong naval fleet, which it utilized only when necessary. The very large island was ruled over by Poseidon. His oldest son, Atlas, was made King of the island and smaller territories were divided among his other 9 sons.
Today, there are numerous explanations concerning what Atlantis might have been, though none truly give definitive proof that this island either did or did not exist. Some marine scientists have claimed that Atlantis did exist, but was really the Minoan Civilization in the Mediterranean Sea. Others have explored the bottom of the Atlantic to find artifacts that might support the argument that Atlantis existed. Some go even further to declare that the mysterious happenings in the Bermuda Triangle are related to the lost continent. The great Edgar Cayce once stated that modern inventions were the result of the reincarnation of Atlanteans. There are theosophists who claim that Atlanteans were supernatural and psychic, practicing both White and Black magic. Their infighting eventually became the root of their own demise. Some Wiccans may even reference Atlantis in regards to energy that has escaped from the bottom of the ocean.
Tracking down the origins of a legend can be seen as a quest for truth, or as simply a fantastic way to pass the time. I am curious to know whether you think that if evidence was found to prove that Atlantis did not exist after all, do you think researchers would put a halt to their explorations?