Transvection (Can Witches Fly?)
We often talk about the Magick performed at Rituals, such as charging objects and manipulating energy to Cast. These are very real powers that a Practitioner can attain by studying the Universal Laws and other Laws of Physics, experimentation and much practice, and sometimes coupled with inherent ability. But when it comes to the Craft, the power that many people associate with Witches is that of Transvection, or flying.
As you just read this last sentence, you are likely imagining the stereotypical Witch, in a black cloak with a tall hat (perhaps even with green skin and warts on her long nose) flying on a broom stick across the sky. Unless kept as a very deep secret, this type of Transvection is undoubtedly a creation of the mind.
Discover Your Magickal Name
The first thing we typically learn about a human is their name and in turn that divulges a lot about them. A name leaves an impression, good or bad, brings old memories to life and leaves us wanting to know more.
Cahokia Mounds
Previously we have discussed many different wonders lying on or below Earth’s surface, and how they came to be. We talked about the possibility of the lost continent of Atlantis that descended to the ocean floor thousands of years ago. Many of you commented upon whether you believed there was truly once such a magnificent place. Some of you answered in the affirmative, others not so much.
Then we conversed about certain places on our planet and whether they are natural or man-made. We talked about Stonehenge, with which most of you are familiar, a series of monumental monoliths standing upright in a circle in seemingly the middle of nowhere in Great Britain. Then we talked about the lesser-known version in America – what was once called ‘Mystery Hill’ - now referred to as America’s Stonehenge in New Hampshire, which is another series of monoliths in a deserted forest. Finally, we spoke of the great Moai, or head shaped monoliths, on Easter Island far off the Coast of Chile. We asked if these designs are manmade how were ancient civilizations able to transport rocks weighing 82 tons(!) with ancient technology
Magickal Properties of Music