The Sabbat of Ostara is upon us. March 20th marks the Spring Equinox and with it, the awakening of the Earth. There are many ways to take part in this special day. You can cleanse your home with the House and Home Ritual Kit to make way for new beginnings, you can decorate your home in the colors of the season, naturally dye eggs or like Altar4Ostara, create an Altar.

Dear 7witches,

It’s me again with more questions! My roommate moved out and I would like to change her old room into a sacred space where I can practice, meditate and of course have an altar, but here's my problem… I don't know what I should put on it or how to really even begin. Any more helpful advice for this new and lost follower?



An Altar is a place of work and worship when you are not using it to work, it will represent your honoring of the deities. You can use any flat surface to craft your Altar and there should be enough space to accommodate candles, objects, and other magickal tools. Some common items to be placed are the following:

  • A Pentagram

  • A censer or cauldron to hold incense

  • An Athame

  • A Wand

  • A Chalice

  • A smudge stick

  • Altar cloth

  • Candles: one being an illuminator candle

  • Matches

  • Ritualistic Symbols

  • Water and salt in bowls

Spring is a time to celebrate all things new: adventures, beginnings, growth and love. To bring all elements together on your Altar for Ostara, try substituting or adding the following:

The Balance of the Equinox:

  • Black and white candles

  • The sun and the moon

  • The yin yang symbol


  • Greens

  • Purples

  • Yellows

  • Pastels

Gems & Crystals:

  • Aquamarine

  • Moonstone

  • Quartz

New Life:

  • Eggs

  • Flowers

  • Honey

  • Milk

  • Seeds

Ritualistic Symbols:

  • Bees

  • Butterflies

  • Caterpillars

  • Lambs

  • Ladybugs

  • Rabbits

This is your chance to find out what works for you, your finished Altar will be your most important tool to help focus your personal power and harness the energy to help you on your path.