Seduction Using the Zodiac
Why Witches Are Feared
Anyone with any real knowledge regarding witchcraft know that the primary reason that witches are feared is due to the plethora of misinformation that has circulated for centuries.
However, there are some very specific skills that witches are rumored to possess which terrify the devoutly religious and superstitious alike.
Magick and Relationships - A Special Balance
Here at the 7witches Coven, we are often approached with questions on Magick’s role within relationships.
If you are in an existing relationship, you might be somewhat unsure of the situations in which Magick can be best utilized.
It can be difficult to find the right balance at times. While Magick can help you through rough patches, we should also remember that relationships need to be worked on, in a very basic sense, if they are to survive long term. The spark that Magick can fan into a fiery romance still needs to be tended and looked after.
It’s for that reason that I often describe Magick as a great help when it comes to relationships, but it can’t be relied on to do all the work in a romance. We must work hard to maintain our relationships. Magick can empower us, but it cannot fight all our battles.
In this article, I hope to expand on the role that Love Magick can play. I hope it will be able to provide us with a clearer picture of how to use this great power in the most important relationships in our lives.
The Summer Solstice Sunshine and Significance
Candle Spells - The Ritual Use of Fire in Magick
The element of fire has long had a special role in Spellcasting.
Since the dawn of humanity, fire has played a very special role. Fire granted us warmth, security, light, and was a genuine factor in our success as a species. It lit our way and allowed us to thrive. This was the natural phenomenon that allowed us as humans to progress to the next level.
This special role that fire played in our success and development has given it a very special place in our hearts. It is a genuinely amazing natural process, and it is no surprise that fire has a unique place in our rituals and ceremonies. However, we also know it is a dangerous power and must be respected.
Since ancient times, mankind has ensured fire has had a central role in the religious rites and spiritual observances we have as a species. The candles that we see lit in the local church carry a spark of Magick from the dark ages before history began.