Anton LaVey – Controversy and Concern

Lavey portraitAnton Lavey, born as Howard Stanton Lavey, was born on April 11th in Chicago. He would go on to live an incredibly colorful life, gaining a great reputation as a major occultist and mystic. However, his lasting legacy is related to his redefining of ‘Satanism’ that he was deeply involved with.

He is a very difficult figure to pin down. Many feared the man, but it’s clear that he was very charismatic. A lot of people view his works with a degree of skepticism and concern for the views that he published. They were fearful that they were possibly evil. However, he remains a highly interesting figure who captured the imagination of thousands. For this reason, I wish to look into his life and examine his relationship with the Craft.

Importantly, I will look into how his approach is fundamentally different from that of many other people who follow aspects of the Craft, such as Wicca. I believe this is an important distinction to make. There should be more understanding Lavey’s ideas and we shouldn’t be afraid of examining his life and work without pre-judgement.

Firstly, it’s important to address the odd comparisons that some people make between Satanism and Wicca. These systems can be viewed as almost completely unrelated. Wicca itself has developed independently through the millennia.

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Magical Creatures, Part 2

In today’s journey, we will again begin with a legendary creature on the European continent as we did with the Nordic Norns, but rather than venture south and west into Africa and Asia, we will embark into the freezing climate of the Arctic Circle, and then make our way south into the heartland of the United States. Beginning with the Bucca of English Myth, and then continuing into the Hudson Bay to learn of the dreadful Ikuutayuuq, we will end up with the Sioux Tribe of the Great Plains to learn of how their great hunters were able to defeat Uncegila.
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Magical Creatures Series

Due to a high volume of questions concerning Magical and Mythical Creatures, we will begin a series upon these legendary, but not nearly outdated beautiful beasts. This week, we will start with three creatures that hold a very significant place in different cultures around the globe – spanning from the northernmost point in Europe to the vast Desert in Africa to the most Sacred Temples in India. We will begin our Journey with the Norns, with its origins in only miles away from the Arctic Circle in Norway, then continue to the Sphinx, and end with the Nagas.

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The Occult is one of the few areas where science and faith are merged. While science guides the forces that allows the Practitioner to Cast and manipulate energy, it is the belief in the possibility that allows them to do so. Even within each particular topic that we discuss, there involves those same recurring elements of reality and alternative realms – that which we know has been proven to be possible and that which we believe is possible.

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Transvection (Can Witches Fly?)

TransvectionWe often talk about the Magick performed at Rituals, such as charging objects and manipulating energy to Cast. These are very real powers that a Practitioner can attain by studying the Universal Laws and other Laws of Physics, experimentation and much practice, and sometimes coupled with inherent ability. But when it comes to the Craft, the power that many people associate with Witches is that of Transvection, or flying.

As you just read this last sentence, you are likely imagining the stereotypical Witch, in a black cloak with a tall hat (perhaps even with green skin and warts on her long nose) flying on a broom stick across the sky. Unless kept as a very deep secret, this type of Transvection is undoubtedly a creation of the mind.

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