Helpful Practices – Before you Cast Your Own Spells.
When a Witch starts on his/her journey, they will often begin by using someone else's spells or rituals, or premade Spells. While often these spells can work, they are
not nearly as effective as if the Witch wrote it themselves. Creating your own spells reflects your own individuality;
they are tailored to your own needs and use your own brand of energy. Writing your spells will allow you to have
more freedom, choosing every which direction you want to follow. Along with this freedom, comes great
responsibility, you must think of all the repercussions these spells could entail.
Holiday Classics This Halloween
Celebrate Halloween with the 7Witches

Understanding Seasonal Moons
While a majority of the countries of the world use a solar calendar, establishing the length of a year based upon the Earth’s rotation around the sun, some countries and groups use a lunar calendar. This means that one month is complete with a full cycle of the moon, from new moon to new moon. The lunar calendar year consists of twelve months, just like the solar calendar, yet each month is slightly shorter. Rather than the average month lasting more than 30 days such as in the solar calendar, each month in the lunar calendar is approximately 29.5 days.