Spells & Spell Casting Questions
- I'm having trouble deciding which Spell I need. How do I know which Spell will work best for me?
- How much information do you need to Cast a Spell for me?
- Do you need additional information for Spells that involve other people?
- Are Spells always the right choice?
- How do I know when my Spell will be Cast?
- Do I get to choose when you Cast my Spell?
- Do you perform Health Related Spells?
- Do you Cast Spells intended to hurt people or death Spells?
- Will having multiple Spells Cast conflict with any other Spells?
- How long will it take for my Spell to work?
- Do Spells really work?
- Why do you charge for this? Aren't witches supposed to Cast Spells for free?
Ordering & Shipping Questions
- I'm new at this. How do I place an order online?
- What are your payment options?
- Why do you charge for Materials / Shipping & Handling?
- How long does it take to receive my order?
- What kind of package will you send me?
- What is the difference between the Cast strengths?
- Can I make a payment with something other than U.S. currency?
- Is it safe to pay with a credit card online?
- Can I make a payment without using my credit card?
- I made a mistake, can I change my order?
- I'm under 18, can I still place an order?
- Why can't I view my order history before July 2014?
Why didn't you receive our e-mail?
- Did you give us the correct e-mail address?
- Do you use Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, or another web-based e-mail service?
- Do you use Netzero, Juno?
- Do you use "boxbe", "Antispam UOL", or another incoming mail filter or screener?
- Do you use AOL?
- Is your mailbox full?
- Did you leave the Subject Line blank?
- Did you send us a large attachment?
- Did you add us to your Address Book or Contact List?
- Did you give us enough time to respond?
- Did you send in a rude or threatening message?
- Did you send in multiple copies of the same message
- Has your e-mail address been compromised by spammers?
Spells & Spell Casting Questions
1. I'm having trouble deciding which Spell I need. How do I know which Spell will work best for me?
Chances are you've been browsing and can't decide between two or three Spells. What we have found works best for deciding is to take a few moments to visualize your goals, to make sure you have a true understanding of what it is you really want. Then review your choices and go with the one that stands out. Be confident in your choice, we offer a wide range of Spells that are effective for every goal you have. If you still cannot decide, feel free to Contact Us and explain your situation, and we'll gladly assess your situation and offer a solution.
2. How much information do you need to Cast a Spell for me?
Once your order has been placed, the witch you have requested to Cast your Spell will contact you by email. The information needed for Casting a Spell can vary depending on who is Casting your Spell as well as the type of Spell you have requested. Please be assured that all information is strictly confidential and is used only for the purposes of Spell Casting.
3. Do you need additional information for Spells that involve other people?
Generally speaking, the more descriptive you can be about the situation, the better. We do usually ask for the names of the other people to be included in the Spell. However, any extra information that you can provide is welcome.
4. Are Spells always the right choice?
Spells offer us solutions to all sorts of problems in our lives. From being able to say no to those french fries to drawing a love into your life, the possibilities are endless.
That being said, Spells are not a substitute for proactive behavior. We will not diagnose or treat any medical, legal, financial, dangerous or life-threatening situations you may have. If you need help please seek a qualified professional.
5. How do I know when my Spell will be Cast?
Once we receive your order and all information needed for your Spell we will send you a letter through the mail. Enclosed you will find information about the day your Spell will be Cast along with any other instructions. If you select "Do Not Mail Spell", all information will be sent to you by e-mail.
6. Do I get to choose when you Cast my Spell?
We have found that things usually work better if you let us pick the date. Due to each witch's Casting preferences, they do keep their own schedule. Spells are time and energy consuming rituals that require some amount of recuperation after Casting. We pride ourselves on our quality of work, and schedule ourselves accordingly. However, if you do require that your Spell be Cast on a specific date, we ask that you make your request at least four weeks in advance. The exception to this is Urgent Cast Spells, which are Cast within 36 hours of ordering.
7. Do you perform Health Related Spells?
We do offer health related Spells, such as weight loss and help overcoming an addiction to smoking. Spell work and meditation can be of great success for people with more serious issues, however we recommend that these situations be treated primarily by a qualified medical professional. If you have any health concerns, please see your physician.
8. Do you Cast Spells intended to hurt people or death Spells?
No. With these types of Spells, the risk is never worth the reward. There is always another solution.
9. Will having multiple Spells Cast conflict with any other Spells?
Only if you specifically request to counter another Spell. Otherwise, our Spells do not alter or conflict with previous Spells and only do exactly as you request.
10. How long will it take for my Spell to work?
It is almost impossible to know when you will start noticing the results of your Spell. Spell Casting is an art, not an exact science. Results are different for every person, and depend on the many variables concerning your situation as well as the people involved.
Keep in mind that negative thinking during the Spell Casting time will often delay the results, so keep your thoughts optimistic!
11. I don't think my Spell is working, what's wrong?
Your actions and choices help to contribute to your goal's success, or lack thereof. Although a Spell will immediately impact the person or area it is Cast on, tangible results can take anywhere from a few days to several months depending on your particular circumstances. There are many factors that can affect the timing and outcome or your Spellwork. Since we cannot exercise any direct control over you before, during or after the Spell Casting process, the kind of results achieved (and when they will be achieved), can depend on you, to a large degree. Be sure to make choices and take actions that are consistent with your goal! For example: if you request a Spell to find a new job, you really shouldn't show up late for the interview, dress improperly, give bad references, etc... You cannot expect a Spell to make up for your poor choices and actions. Be proactive, and you WILL reach your goal!
12. Is magic real? Do Spells really work?
In the Harry Potter movies we watch children play Quidditch on a broomstick and little wizards and witches Casting quick Spells here and there with their magic wands. This type of Magic is not real - but Magic itself is very real. Whether you call it magic, magick or majick, it has existed for thousands of years, and even though society no longer teaches the art and science of Magic, there are small gatherings of people who practice it.
For some people, SpellCasting is a true calling. And just as with any profession, years of study and practice, coupled with being part of a group of similarly inspired individuals, makes way for truly beautiful art. The Spells crafted within our coven are performed by witches with a true gift and years of experience. These Spells are quite powerful and are designed to work for you
I've seen message board postings and blogs online that talk about certain Spell Casters being scams or frauds. How do I know for sure which statements are true, and which are false?
Pay attention to the details. If someone from Denver, Colorado claims to have been scammed out of thousands of pounds by a business that only accepts U.S. currency there might be something fishy going on.
In most cases, blogs and message board postings that bad-mouth businesses like psychics, witches, Spell Casters are put there by competitors. This is usually done by unethical people worried that effective Spell Casters will take away their business. These people fake negative reviews and complaints about their competitors, all the while trying to drive more business to their own sites.
We strongly advise that you follow your instinct. If you are constantly worrying that this is a scam, or that it's not going to work, there is a possibility that the negative energy of your fears and distrust will override all the positive energy we are sending your way.
13. Why do you charge for this? Aren't witches supposed to Cast Spells for free?
Click Here for more information about this.
Ordering & Shipping Questions
1. I'm new at this. How do I place an order online?
Once you find a product or service that you would like to purchase, choose from the options in the dropdown menus, then click the "ADD TO CART" button under the Spell description. You will then be shown the contents of your shopping cart, and may continue shopping, or start the checkout process.
During checkout, you will be asked for your shipping information and payment method.
2. What are your payment options?
For online orders, we accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express credit cards, in addition to Debit Cards with the Visa or MasterCard logo, and Paypal payments.
3. Why do you charge for Materials / Shipping & Handling?
Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the Spell will be Cast and any other instructions that are necessary. You will also receive any Charm(s) that you've ordered, and in some cases, we may send you additional magical items to aid with the Casting of your Spell, at no additional cost.
A Charm is a very important part of the Spell Casting process, as it creates a connection between you and your Spell Caster. If you chose to not have a Charm mailed to you, the Spell Caster will have to perform an extra Ritual before your Spell is Cast to create that connection. As this requires extra time and materials, the Materials / Shipping fee will cover this extra work.
If you select "Do Not Mail Charm", the Materials / Shipping fee goes towards the extra Ritual that we must perform prior to Casting your Spell, to establish the connection that the Charm would otherwise establish.
4. How long does it take to receive my order?
You will usually receive your order within several days. Within North America, your order should arrive within 3 to 10 business days, and overseas will take somewhat longer - up to 30 business days for some places where the mail system is sporadic. During holidays, it may take longer for us to process your order.
5. What kind of package will you send me?
All of our products come in plain packaging. We are firm believers in discretion and privacy. No one will know the power you hold except you.
6. What is the difference between the Cast strengths?
All Spells are available in up to 4 Cast Strengths. Each has its advantages, but the stronger the Casting, the more time and materials are needed to perform the Spell.
A Single Cast is simple, effective, and the most basic of our Cast Strengths. It takes on easier situations, where all is needed is a push in the right direction.
A Triple Cast is our most popular solution for most issues. The Spell is Cast thrice (three times) by your chosen Master Witch, over 3 consecutive days. This Casting is often underestimated, as it can usually handle very complicated situations.
An Urgent Cast is for conditions that need immediate attention. Although this Strength Level will not make the Spell work faster, your Spell will be Cast within 36 hours of ordering rather than the usual scheduling and postal delay of 2 or 3 weeks.
A Coven Cast is performed by each of our 7 Master Witches either in turn or simultaneously, depending on the Spell or the situation, and is used in the most critical and forlorn cases that would leave an individual Spellcaster trembling. This is the strongest Casting available anywhere, as no other Coven can offer Spells Cast by 7 Witches at once! This process is laborious, exhausting, and uses up an incredible quantity of materials. You still choose a Master Witch while ordering, and your chosen Witch will lead the Coven in the Casting.
7. Can I make a payment with something other than U.S. currency?
You can pay with any currency when choosing Paypal as a payment option; they will convert your purchase into your local currency for you. Credit Card orders will also be automatically converted to your local currency on your bill.
8. Is it safe to pay with a credit card online?
Yes! Any transaction you make with us is completely secure. The credit card and ordering information you provide to us when purchasing our products are protected by Paypal's or Google's secure servers, using industry-standard SSL encryption. This means that any time your credit card information is transmitted over the Internet, it is encrypted so that nobody else can read it.
9. Can I make a payment without using my credit card?
You can place an order using Paypal, which allows you to pay with funds uploaded from your bank account without using a credit card. We cannot accept any other payment methods at this time.
10. I made a mistake, can I change my order?
If the Spell has not been Cast, you can request any changes to your selected Witch by replying to the More Information Request e-mail that he or she sent you when you placed your Spell request. If the Spell has been Cast, we cannot change it without Casting a counterSpell or a new Casting of the original Spell with new information. Please pay close attention when ordering.
11. I'm under 18, can I still place an order?
We cannot Cast Spells or sell products to anyone under the age of majority. If you have not reached the age of majority in your jurisdiction, please do not purchase from us.
12. Why can't I view my order history before July 2014?
For order history before July 2014, please contact us here.
Why didn't you receive our e-mail?
1. Did you give us the correct e-mail address?
Many people have mistakenly sent in an incorrect e-mail address with their Spell Request or inquiry. We can only reply to the e-mail address that you provide us - if it is incorrect, then our reply will not make it to you. [email protected] is NOT the same as [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected].
2. Do you use Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, or another web-based e-mail service?
Please check your Spam or Junk folder, as sometimes these services scan for words they think are "spammy" and treat the message as possible junk mail. Because of the nature of our services, our customers often discuss issues with us using words that can easily make a junk mail filter think that it's spam. The best way to avoid this is to add our addresses to your Contact List or Whitelist.
3. Do you use Netzero, Juno?
These services "help" their customers by deciding which emails they should and shouldn't receive. If they decide that you do not need our e-mail, you will not receive it - it will simply disappear. We strongly suggest using a web-based free e-mail service like Gmail or Hotmail.
4. Do you use "boxbe", "Antispam UOL", or another incoming mail filter or screener?
Because of the sheer amount of "phishing" and fraudulent e-mails out there, we do not click on links sent to us in e-mails. Ever. So when these services send us an e-mail requesting that we click a link for "confirmation", we do not, as we have no way of knowing if this is a legitimate request or a fraudulent one. If you use these services to protect your e-mail, we suggest adding our e-mail domains (7witches.com and 7witches.net) to your Whitelist.
5. Do you use AOL?
Aol offers many "features" that most people to not know are there or active. We often get messages back from AOL after e-mailing someone there that "this user has turned off incoming e-mail" or "this user does not accept incoming e-mail from addresses not on their allowed list" or "this user does not accept e-mails with attachments" (our newsletter has image attachments). We strongly suggest using a web-based free e-mail service like Gmail or Hotmail.
6. Is your mailbox full?
Many of us like to save every e-mail we've ever received, including those funny videos and beautiful vacation pictures that Aunt Marcie sent us. Unfortunately, many e-mail providers allow only a certain amount of storage space for e-mail, so it sometimes happens that we get a message back saying "this user's e-mail box is full". We strongly suggest using a web-based free e-mail service like Gmail or Hotmail, as they offer huge amounts of space and will usually notify you if you're full.
7. Did you leave the Subject Line blank?
E-mails with blank subject lines are often treated as "spam" (junk mail) by our servers. An e-mail with no subject is classed as "low priority", which will of course affect our reply times.
8. Did you send us a large attachment?
Because of abuse in the past, our server now limits the size of incoming e-mails. If you wish to send us pictures, please use a free service like TinyPic.com or imgur.com to share images with us. Simply make sure you set your image to "private" when uploading, and send us the link to the image in your e-mail.
9. Did you add us to your Address Book or Contact List?
The best way to avoid our e-mails to you ending up in your spam / junk folder is to add our e-mail address to your Address Book or Contact List.
10. Did you give us enough time to respond?
We do our very best to respond to every e-mail within 48 hours. However, there may be times when it can take us longer to respond - for example, during promotions or popular Casting days (like the Full Moon), during holidays (Christmas, New Year's, Easter, Labor Day, etc), and also if you send a message directly to a specific Witch, that person does take the occasional day off and might not be able to respond immediately.
11. Did you send in a rude or threatening message?
We do not reply to e-mails containing threats, insults, gibberish, etc.
12. Did you send in multiple copies of the same message
If you send in a message, and then send in a copy of the same message, our server attaches the second message to the first one and puts it at the end of the line. So if you keep sending the same message over and over, it will keep getting bumped back to the bottom of the pile and will take longer to be processed. Please note also that if you send enough copies of the same e-mail, our server tags it as "Spam" (junk mail), deletes it, and blocks your e-mail address.
13. Has your e-mail address been compromised by spammers?
We receive a surprising amount of "Spam" (junk mail) from our customers. This usually happens when their e-mail password has been compromised (either by clicking on a link in a fraudulent or "phishing" e-mail, or by sharing it with others), and most people are not even aware that this is happening. Usually fraudsters will simply use automated software to log into your e-mail, send "Spam" messages to everyone on your contact list, then log out again without you knowing they were ever there. We strongly suggest changing your password and security questions on a regular basis, and do not click on links promising to show you "who has blocked you on MSN" or any other similar link that then prompts you to put in your password.