Today many of you are surrounded by friends and family, sharing stories of the past and wishes for the year to come. We all begin to think of how we can move forward and attain what we so desire. Last week, NeedingNewYearsResolutions, came to us seeking aid on how to make her resolutions carry over into 2017.

Dear 7Witches Coven,

I have been a loyal follower, believer and supporter for many years. You have supported me through a failed marriage, a new job opportunity, and even when I just needed a listening ear. I have made it my new years resolution to take your advice and become the best version of myself. The only problem I don’t even know where to begin. My parents think I can do no wrong, my children cant stand me and it seems that I took 5 steps forward only to be back where I was last year at this time. Can you help me become the success everyone thinks I am?


New Year’s Resolutions come in all shapes and sizes. Once it was known for making promises to Gods and Goddess, however, in modern times, it is more common to make promises to ourselves. No matter what your beliefs and wishes, to Cast you forward into 2017 and have your wishes fulfilled in the coming year you must remember a few things.

  • Do not rush
  • If you are looking to bring change to your life, take the time to figure out what you really want. You do not have to make your resolution on New Year’s Eve, think about it, Meditate and evaluate your desires

  • One resolution at the time
  • Do not allow multiple goals to cloud your mind. Success will always be greater when you channel and focus your Energy into one resolution.

  • Write down your resolutions
  • It is easier to visualize if you can keep yourself accountable. Keeping a journal, making a poster or another visual reminder will allow you to progress forward.

  • Share your resolution with someone you trust
  • Sharing your goal with someone you cherish will help keep you focused and allow you to receive support.

  • Seek guidance
  • There is a Magick based on the human enthusiasm that is released into the world when we move into the new year. We can channel this Energy and walk the path to Success with our Success in 2017 Ritual.