(part 3 of 4)

Love: The most powerful emotion a person can feel; the emotion that drives deep into the heart of the soul and causes that person to behave in ways different to their norm. In every culture, there has always been talk of ways to attract love into your life, or to keep a lover, or to improve the love that is shared, or even to end a relationship. One way to do this is through the use of a spell.

Prehistoric or ancient cultures used their shamans to find ways of altering the course of nature, by asking the spirits to bless marriages, or bring love into their lives. Popular cultures have dramatised the rituals of their times in regard to the relationships they have, with the use of omens before the marriage; for example, the weather must be checked, and prayers must be offered to the ancestors for their blessing of the unions. These spells were considered important to the custom of the time. If something bad happened, then it was considered that the spells were not strong enough, and the gods simply weren’t pleased by the unions. Since then, these people have often asked to bring the correct love into their live in order to please the spirits.

Other cultures have their own forms of love spells. Binding spells are most common in occult circles, where the object of the spell is bound to the user by the altering of their emotions to believe they feel affection for the spell caster. Performing this spell could have been mainly part of a violent nature with in the user, a latent desire to control the victim. The Ancient Greeks and Egyptians often used these curses to bring physical pleasure, and ease the suffering of the user by inflicting the same upon the victim. These forms of spells are dangerous, as many times the harmful nature of the spell comes back to haunt the user. However, there is still plenty of evidence to suggest that this magic continues.

Throughout the ages, although the use of spells and magic had to be hidden, the love spell continued. Many forms of the love spell could be found; prayers were offered to the spirits, pouches of herbs could be worn by the user, potions could be placed on the pillows of the user to dream of their loved one, and also effigies of the desired one could be carried around so as to bring their desire to them. Although this is not as noted, the wearing of trinkets, or the addition of perfumes that are in use today in order to both feel attractive, and to attract others, are all connected to the charms and spells used by witches from previous times.

Blessed Be.

7witches Coven

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Spellcasting in History Part 1
Spellcasting in History Part 2
Spellcasting in History Part 4